Everyone thinks I am crazy except a few people that have actually owned a greyhound puppy. Even some of them think I am crazy to get a greyhound puppy. I am making the leap though and have found one to adopt. I decided to start this blog to document the fun.
My greyhound JD (Just Dog) racing name M's Wrong Dog FCh, JC, RE, CGC died from osteosarcoma (bone cancer) mid 2009. I have been looking for another big brindle guy ever since. I foster for Greyhound Crossroads so have had some great dogs come through my house during that time but none that felt right. I have even met a few pups but it took 6 months to find the right one.

January 17th 2010 - Went to Birmingham to meet my new pup. He is not even 2 weeks old yet. Eyes still closed but starting to crack. I knew this pup was the one as soon as I met him. He snuggled up and tried to nurse on my face. Was still the biggest and nearly twice the size of some of the other pups. He is the piggy of the litter and definitely food motivated which will be good for obedience and rally that I do with all my dogs. He would nurse every few minutes and smack noisily. If he lost his grip he would go nuts trying to find his way to the food pushing the other pups out of his way. He doesn't whine or yelp much and seems to be a confident guy. The lady that is raising them, Jen, is doing super puppy exercises with the pups so they are quite comfortable being handled.
This is such a rare opportunity since most greyhound pups are raised on farms and not available for adoption until after their racing careers are over at 2 - 5 years old. It will be interesting to see the difference between my previous greyhounds and this one with all the early training he will get.