One of the pups in the litter, Tina, passed away yesterday. Mom had dropped her when jumping up onto a bed. She had broken some ribs. She was back to nursing the next morning so everyone hoped she would pull through. Momma Sara stopped letting her nurse on Jan 30. Jen (the lady raising the pups) nursed her by hand but Tina went down hill quickly. Mel and Jen helped her cross the bridge Jan 31st just shy of four weeks old.
This photo is of my friend Ann holding Tina when she was 12 days old. Tina was the first of the pups to open her eyes.
The pups were all named for race car drivers. My pup is being called Kyle right now. I probably won't keep the name Kyle. Have several names on the short list right now. Miles is probably at the top - short for Miles Per Hour. My friend Ann came up with that one and it is a good name for a fast dog. JJ was another suggested name - short for Just Junior. My greyhound male that died was JD (Just Dog).
Got an update from Mel and she says she thinks Kyle's coloring is lightening up from a dark almost black brindle to a chocolate brindle. Whatever color he turns out he will be the most beautiful pup ever. Jen sent a video of him toddling around last week. He was standing straight up on all fours. No more crawling around. He looked very grown up for just 3 weeks old.
Am hoping to go visit the pups again soon. The weeks are just creeping by. Can't believe the pups aren't even 4 weeks old it seems like MUCH longer. I am supposed to wait to get Kyle until he is at least 10 weeks old. There is always a chance that the pups will all turn into holy terrors and Jen will decide to let them go a little early to preserve her sanity though. LOL